perjantai 30. syyskuuta 2011

Here comes the sun~

Writer: Oliver.

o_o Has Aron really been able to change the exterior of the blog? Wtf. That boy really likes to hide his inner talents, or so does my eyes see. Well that wasn't the main thing I came here to blabber about.

Right now I'm feeling a weird, positively-loaded emotion. It's a little bit funny this feeling inside, to quote mr. Elton John, a fantastic musician. And because I am not one of those who can easily hide, I tell you everything loud and clear (I don't even care if nobody's listening..)

 Okay I'm pretty sure you remember Constantino, the guy I've been messing with from since last March or something. I guess my feelings for him have been running up and down, and every time I've happened to even think about him, my feelings have ran over a real rollercoaster, and that's when I've felt like doing like that <--


Let me give you a little illustrated slideshow of how I feel right now.

8D.................... Krhmn. Okay I don't know if any other words are needed than CONSTANTINO FROST <33333

keskiviikko 21. syyskuuta 2011

Les Masterchef.

Kirjoittaja: Aron.

Ehtoota ihmisten päivään o.o Saatatte ehkä funtsailla siellä että eihän se Oliver viimeksi kyllä tuolta näyttänyt, ja miksi se ei puhu sujuvaa englantia ja sun muita ihmettelyjä, mutta joo tosiaan, olen Oliverin korvike tämän viikon. Pojalla on (Iitun sanojen mukaan) kai kiireitä jonnekin (ihmettelin suuresti, kun se hihitti niin .... voisiko sanoa irstaaseen tai vähintään kyseenalaiseen tyyliin kun asiasta mainitsi o_o Tunnen... hämmennystä.) minnelie, varmaan saan itsekin asiasta tietää tarkemmin vasta kun ollaan ensi kerran hänen kanssa yhteyksissä. Villi veikkaus että se liittyy siihen sen ja tän jonku.. oliko se Constantinopoli tai joku se sen miehentapaisen nimi.

Mutta tosiaan, ei siitä sen enempää. Mie oon viime aikoina vaan viettänyt syksyä, istunut sisällä ja saanut päähäni kokata kaikki mahdolliset leivokset läpi mitä Izumin keittokirjoista löytyy :D Tulokset on oikeestaan olleet ihan hyviä!

 Suurin osa niistä kuvista mitä mie näistä teoksista pääsin ottamaan oli vähän, noh, surkeita (haluun kännykkäkameran niin ei ainakaan ole vaikea käyttää :c) mutta tässä parhaimmistoa. Tai syötävimmän näköiset.

 Mitälienee kookosherkkuja oikealla, sulivat jumankekka suussa kun niitä vaan kerran puraisi....... hämmennyin iha iteki. Meinasin melkein olla lähdössä myymään niitä kadulle tai tarjoamaan ainaki köyhemmille :D Vasemmalla sitten varsinainen kermamättö, mansikoita peittona ja välissä löytyy ainakin banaania, aprikooseja, suklaalevitettä ja reilu satsi vispikermaa. Niin törkeän hyvää.

No hitto en mie osaa laittaa näitä kuvia tänne nätisti.

Löysin netistä yksi päivä törkeän määrän hauskoja hymiöitä niin oli ihan pakko tehä suklaapisarakeksejä, missä sitten oli tällaiset hauskat yksityiskohdat! Eli no siis, siinä on suklaapisarasilmät ja itkevä suu. Googlettakaa 'Forever alone' niin tiedätte.

Taidettiin ristiä tää Kultaisen Keski-iän kakuksi, Izumi ja mie. Okei köykänen vitsi, mutta mie värkkäsin eka kunnon marenkikermavaahtokakun ja sitte Izumi pisteli siihen taiteellisesti noi mansikat niin että nyt siinä loistaa meidän molempien 'keski-ikä', eli toisin sanoen meidän ikien keskiarvo (:
Jjooo lainasin Iitulta (laittoi postissa kun mie maksoin) sen hienoa kakkuvuokaa ja syntyi tällainen ihanuus. Ihan perus-sokerikakkuhan tuo on, mutta näytti niin kauniille että oli pakko julkaista. Ensi kerralla kokeilen kermaisempaa versiota. Joo mä rakastan kermaa.
Hitsi. Ehkä mä alanki vielä isona sokerileipuriks. Saisin vaan elää niiden ihanien tuoksujen keskelle päivästä toiseen <3

perjantai 16. syyskuuta 2011

oh, feel the melancholy.

Writer: Fran.

YAY! It's weekend, and tonight, for the first time in many, many days, I'm gonna have a dj-gig at one of my most-favourite places in the world: Seventh Heaven. Yup, the name might sound cliched, gay and most of all, tacky, but the one's who've been there, know that there's not a better place to break free from the depressing daily life, grab some friends with you and let the music kick you underground.

Okay now I could be really tacky and most importantly, ridiculous, but I think this time I'll keep by reputation at least in some kind of good balance, and give you something.... different. Meaning a different way of spending Friday:

A masterpiece. But now I really must dash, Fran's gotta do what Fran's gotta do. Aaaaaand have a nice weekend.

maanantai 12. syyskuuta 2011

songs for bittersweet days

Kirjoittaja: Fran.

Helloes there all the ladies, men, doggies and cats. And the other citizens our planet must have. My name is Fran.

... actually I think I've written here before, too. A couple months ago, was it? When Achu could'n make it since he was too busy living the 'American Dream'. Well anyways, I can't describe by words how anxious I am from this honor - I haven't been blogging since high school, and since my contemporary best-friend said I really should keep on that road and turn into a music-critic and earn my bread that way. But I had to say no, since I was young and foolish. And I still am. Somehow I felt that if I ever started to write critic about something I truly worship, enjoy and love, the magic in it could someday disappear, and I might thanks to that turn into a belabouring old fart, whose love to music is just a fading memory from the past.

By the way, just because I no longer am best friends with that dude, our relationship didn't turn into a shithole because I didn't obey his recommendation. We just had some quarrel about one girl and as the school ended, I had the girl in my arms and my friend ran away to the California. Never met him after that. Such a shame, 'cause the girl by far showed her true colours and they quite didn't match with mine. In a metaphoric level.

But I guess I've blabbered too much of that already. I'm not here to talk about my high-school lovers and friends, no, I'm here to talk about music.

by the way, I love cats.
So, music it is. I believe everyone in the world has some sort of opinion and taste in music, no matter which country you live in, what sort of religious background you have, how old you are, or what kind of economical situation you have. 

When it comes to me, I love music. Been loving ever since I was a little boy - or not loving, but it somehow always has been a great part of my life. Maybe I could compare it to what some people think of o-zone layer - You only miss it when you don't have it. 

Hmmm. I had some guidelines written on a piece of paper, but I somehow managed to lose that little piece of... art during my way home (damn Gorillaz, too groovy songs make me wanna dance). So..... I think I'll skip this stupid talking right now and just give space to the real thing that this blog was about to have as a leading theme: The Music.

At first, some autumny feelings. I really like this season.

...... Screw youTube. It doesn't allow me to put here the songs I'd like to give the samples of. So this has to be made in another style. In the mode of a playlist. I think these songs are all on Yotube, so feel free to live with them for a while:

'Listen while loving depression'

1. Radiohead - No Surprises
2. Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (My Baby Shut Me Down)
3. Keane - Untitled 1
4. Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
5. Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek
6. Gabriella Cilmi - Safer
7. Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
8. Ben E. King - Stand By Me
9. Martin Gore - Snowing
10. R.E.M. - Snowing

So, start with these few songs, that have made some sort of impression for me, thanks to the vocals, vocalists, players and the 'feeling', the band or the artist has been able to create. 

Note to self - tune yourself on the right channel to listen these songs by purchasing the softest blanket in your closest market, add in some Irish coffee and if possible, a rainy day. And erase all the unnecessary items, such as laptop, big lamps and brightly-lighted rooms. All you need is a space where you feel like you're at home.

keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2011

'Cause I've been down, I've been crawling.

Writer: Achu.

Once again, my mood isn't as great as it could be. Maybe one reason for this might be this stupid autumn, or then the fact that our single, that was supposed to be sent out to radio is still somewhere deep in the depths of our recording studio (I blame Miriam. That chick really can't keep that freaking workplace in a decent chaos, oh no, she has to have her own private mess around her, so that she can play her instruments as good as she can. No bad feelings for her, though. I've really known Miriam since we've been in high chool, so I've gotten used to her persona and blablabla. But it still doesn't mean I approve this messy lifestyle of hers. You reall should see her appartment, it nearly looks like.... this:

(ignore that man.)

I can't believe, or at least it's hard for me to believe that such a pretty girl as she, can be such a dumpy with cleaning her house. But anyways, I'm not here to talk about the earthquicky situation my dear bandmate is having. I was about to write something very wise and meaningless in this blog entry, but somehow I kinda managed to forget the subject I really was about to talk about. So, I guess I must just improvise.

Ahemn. Which happens not to be a good qualification of mine....... Anyone here interested from hearing an old story from Woodstock? It's actually an old story my mom used to tell me when I was little (yeah, I know. Not probably the best issue for a bedtime story. If you're a total monolingual with music history, watch this.), and time and time again I just wanted to hear the same story about that magical happening in the 70's.

I think I'll skip the deep and childlike narration-mode, and just tell the story just as it goes. So, this actually is a story about how my folks met, deep in smokes and other hallusinative intoxicants. If you love romantic cliche's, you could say they we're 'up on cloud number nine', literally. My mom was a teenage rebel, always doing everything her parents forbid her. She had even runaway for that festival, in hopes of after the  festival, be able to say goodbye to her matriarchal and patriotic folks, who just prayed that their beloved daughter would find a way to get rid of the 'Satan inside her that was seducing her in the darkest depths of Hell', and other cute and loving words. In my points of view, I think Rhonda, meaning my mom, made the right choice by leaving with no purpose to come back.

So, Rhonda left to Woodstock, in the middle of thousands, and again thousands of people, in big hopes of finding the right way to her life. I can't say if the way she chose was the best one - during the whole festival she appararently used over five-or seven different drugs, blue pills, and of course, what would be a free rock-festival feel like without the huge amount of illegally made alcohols? It's a miracle Rhonda actually survived with his head still on the shoulders of that festival. Altough, she was at the hospital for a few weeks because her body was totally cracked.

(note to self: No wonder I seem like a wacko, since my mom has been a total crack-whore when she was young, right)

Well the story continues with Daniel, my pops. His backgrounds we're a little better - with his dad dying at the age when he was only ten, her mom was really concerned about her two boys, Daniel and Henry. But inside Daniel, there of course lived a rebel. He didn't think it was appropriate for mom to treat her 18-year-old-son like a little snot-nosed youngster. And then, again, Woodstock happened.

Daniel actually was one of the head-arrangers of the festival....... kind of. He was the one responsible to put on the festival, and all the stages and other stuff that were there. Plus I suppose he had the duty to remove all the drug-dealers from there but..... ehh. Blame in on the youth in revolt, he really didn't turn the drug-duded away. I guess he didn't want to be a party pooper.

In case you didn't know it, as a festival Woodstock was pretty much kinda fucking epic. The head-artists-and bands performed there, and it is a big milestone in the history of rock. I guess it's big also, 'cause my mon and dad fif meet there, spend lots of time together since Daniel liked Rhonda's eyes and body, and Rhonda liked the thing that Daniel had good contacts to the drug-dealers. Such a sweet little romance, in the rock-history. Not exactly as romantic as Sid and Nancy were during their time together (gang-fights, broken bones, fanatic fans, physically aggressive, almost gory relationship-argues, and other lovely issues from their happiness), but still, pretty cute. After being about five years together, they moved in together and Rhonda got pregnant. Surprisingly, she gave birth for me. The best thing she had done in her her hitherto.

Okay that's about the improvisation for this day, I'm heading to bed - proving you this actually works pretty well as a bedtime story.

lauantai 3. syyskuuta 2011

teetä, keksejä ja sympatiaa.

Kirjoittaja: Aron.

Uaaah. Sataa vettä. Miksi.

Mää oon varmaan viimeiset kaksi tuntia viettänyt istuen ikkunalaudalla oottamassa että jotakin muuta kuin sadetta satais Tokion niskaan tänä iltana... Mää ehdottaisin sille ihme Esterille joka kai elää siellä taivaassa et se vois välillä lähettää meille maan ja muiden planeettojen asukeille (... eiku se sade taitaa tulla vaan maahan. Tänne meijä planeetalle.. unohtakaapa äskeinen.) vaikka.... vaahtokarkkeja. Tai sit vois sataa välillä vaikka kukkia, perhosia, tai ihan mitä tahansa muuta kivaa. Okei ennenku alatte epäillä että kirjoitanko mää tätä tekstiä ihan päissäni niin taidan lopettaa toivomusten lähettämisen virtuaalisessa muodossa sille luontoäiti Esterille, ja kerron vaikka siitä mitä oon tehny.

Mä tunnun ottavan tän sateen ylimaallisen saapumisen raskaammin kuin jotku toiset, eli toisin sanoen mun kanssa-asujani. Izumille tää kaikki on vaan 'luonnon normaalia kulkua, ei se tästä muuksikaan voi oikeen muuttua'. No, okei onhan se.. oikees mut MMMEH en mie silti tykkää syksystä kauheena :'c Tykkään siitä vaan siks että silloin voi istuu paljon sisällä jaaaaa esimerkiksii... 

juoda oikeen kamalasti TEETÄ owo No ite oon enemmän yleenä kaakao perään, mut tee jotenki passaa nyt syksyllä, varsiki jos sen kanssa on saatavilla keksejä. Mie oon viimeisen viikon ajan yrittänyt oppia juomaan teetä, ja oikeestaan mun vaihtoehdot on vaan Izumin varastoissa, mustaa ja vihreetä. Se ite nimittää niitä ihme 'miesteeksi', ku ite oon kuullu että vaa homppelit juo teetä :D.......  Nojoo sillä on tarve vaan todistella miehistä ylpeyttään.

Mutta joo. Näin syvällisiä lärinöitä teestä teille ma tarjoilen. Oiskoha mulla mitään jännempää. Örk. On mulla teille kauniita kuvia.

lisää huomio 'söpö' tähän.

leikin vähä kuvanmuokkaust :3