sunnuntai 27. marraskuuta 2011

All I want for Christmas

Writer: Fran.

Yo all! I noticed that there are not so many weeks before the Christmas arrives, and since every cute and well-mannered child sents Santa a wishlist a couple of weeks before Christmas comes, I decided to tell you my gift-wishes for this year. The list is pretty one-sided and small, but don't they say that austerity enhances people?

1. More music.

Gigs, cd's, concert-DVD:s, new bands in every form. This year not many albums have been shouting for me to buy them, but now that it's Christmas-time, I can ask people to buy me those records that I haven't had the urge to buy :DD For the bands, I'd really like to get the newest Coldplay-album Mylo Xyloto, Mindless Selg-Indulgence's <3 (the album was published in 2010,but I haven't had the chance to yet buy it), any album from The Cure, Prodigy's Invaders Must Die, the soundtrack of Sunshine, Sherlock Holmes and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World aaand.... okay the list could be endless, I guess,but I still want to mention the newest album of Andy Stott - Passed by Me. Not bad stuff at all.

2. More time with my cat

My cat, named Tralala, is a 6-months-old, very lazy and a stubborn piece of shit. Okay not shit, I love her very much and the nights that I spent home would be suicidally dull if she weren't there, trying to steal my Ben and Jerrie's every now and then. Tralala is very independent, guess it's because she's born as a straycat, which I happened to pick up in a very misty and rainy afternoon. We do have pretty nice relationship, but still I feel that because I've been running around all these clubs, bars and stuff a lot these months, she's maybe been lonely. And I miss her, of course.

3. A new bullet-blender.

I'd enjoy a lime-coloured one. Chester once tried to make some sort of vegetable-smoothie with my former one, and she... managed to break the whole machine. Good job my dear. It doesn't matter which logo it has,  I just want it to work.

4. No black snow for Christmas.

Because New York is at its most beautiful in the white snowlayer, with no black ice and stuff that makes you lose your balance and look stupid <_< I guess this is one of my most childish wishes in every Christmas - I feel like cutting my wrists with a spoon if there's no snow.

and last but not least.

5. All the most-known Danny Boyle movies: Trainspotting, Sunshine, Slumbdog Millionaire, 127 Hours and 28 Days Later.

Thank you <3 Next week I'll be having the best pre-Christmas party at Chester's place, so with this song I'll set you free now.~~

torstai 24. marraskuuta 2011

Music in me.

Writer: Fran.

Fuck yeah, managed to write at least one entry before the end of my week! So hello again dudes and dudettes, long time no see and long time no ABC. Hhaha I'm so funny. Hope you haven't missed me too much ;)))

My live rolls over as normally, by hanging out in clubs and different sorts of gigs. Last week I went on a true underground-gig with some pals of mine, such as Chester, Ruben and Alicia. The music was mostly jazz-based, melancholic alternative music and in my ears it wasn't the best band in the world. I don't even remember the name of the band anymore, it somehow was attached to second world war and Hitler... Don't know.

Mostly I waste my silly silly life at music-business. I've been trying to get big DJ-sets to play with some sort of passion, but the shows seem to be under a rock. I should probably cut away my other hand to look more personal or something, 'cause nowadays you gotta have something special if you're trying to break the ice in the job-area. These disaoppointments haven't let me down, I actually enjoy it when I can just walk around and search for possibilities. My folks left me kind of an nice heritage when they passed away, so I don't even have to actually work. Take a piece of that, hahaha.

I actually didn't come here to blabber nonsense about some silly thing called jobs and living like I want to, but actually wanted to give you a little more wider picture about my musical background, concentrating on the bands and artists with this kind of a gallup:

¤ 3 songs, you've been listening a lot recently?
 Pendulum - Tarantula

My Chemical Romance - Sing
The Script - Nothing

¤ 3 songs that make you sad

Placebo - Pierrot the Clown
Britney Spears - Circus (aaaaand actually her whole production. Seriously, that woman is just full of playback and mandisasters.)
Lonely Island ft. Akon - I Just Had Sex (No. This is not how you do potential classics.)

¤ 3 songs, that make you happy?

Black-Eyed Peas - Pump It
Mika - Lollipop
Kerli - Creepshow

¤ 3 songs, that involve memories?

Scorpions - Still Loving You
Run DMC - It's Tricky
Hurts - Illuminated

¤ 3 songs you know the words to?

Kerli - Strange Boy
Beatles - Yesterday
Mindless Self-Indulgence - Mastermind

¤ Your favourite song?
It varies probably everyday, but right now it's RHCP's Hump de Bump.

¤ A song that reminds you of someone?
Guns'n'Roses - Sweet Child O'Mine

¤ A song that reminds you of some spesific place?
Korn - Another Brick in the Wall

¤ A sonf that reminds you of some spesific event?
Metallica - Enter Sandman

¤ A song that you can dance to?
Skrillex - any song will do.

¤ A song that almost makes you fall asleep?

Muse - The whole album Origin of Symmetry.

¤ A song from your favourite artist?
Argh, this one keeps on changing about a three times a month. But maybe right now the band is VERVE, and the song Bittersweet Symphony.

¤ A song that nobody would expect you to like?

The theme-song of Bonanza.

perjantai 18. marraskuuta 2011

synttärihuumaa, osa 2.

Kirjoittaja: Aron.

Heeei kaikille! Unohtui viime kerralla postata se synttärijuhlat, part 2 mutta nyt koko häppeningistä on melkein se kuukausi niin en taida kertoo teille liian isoa selostusta koko jutusta :D

Hommahan jäi siihen et lähdettiin Izumin kanssa johonkin junaan minkä määränpäästä mulla ei ollut pienintäkään hajua, eikä se peijakas edes suostunut koko matkan aikana kertomaan, että minne hämärän hourulaan se mua oikein on raahaamassa. Hymyili vaan salaperäisenä kuin vanha kettu ja kyseli multa epämääräisiä juttuja siitä, milloin se muka oli järjestänyt mulle jotain yllätyksentapaisia, jotka olis ollu mulle mieluisia ja no, totuushan on ettei Izu ole yllätyksienkeksijänä mikään maailman paras. Se on hieno mies ja ihana kanssa, mutta kun tietää että mä rakastan yllätyksien kokemista ja sitäkin että saan ite järkätä niitä, niin tää oli tervetullutta vaihtelua. Ehkä mun luontainen seikkailijaluonteeni on vähän tarttumassa siihenkin ;)

Kauaakaan aikaa me ei siinä metrossa vietetty, kun se metrotädin ääni kuulutti että seuraava pysähdyspaikka on....

 Mä en ole koskaan käynyt kyseisessä kaupunginosassa Tokiota, suurimmaksi osaksi just siksi että äiti on sanonut sen olevan jotenkin kauhistuttavan vääränlainen paikka, joka pursuaa vaan työnarkomaaneja ja ryyppääviä opiskelijoita. Izumi sanokin mulle että meidän visiitti ei kauaa kestäisi, me käytäisiin vaan keskustassa jossakin puistossa katsomassa yhtä juttua. Se kehtas edelleenkin olla raivostuttavan salaperäinen, ja vaan höpötti menemään jotain siitä miten oli usein kaveriporukan kanssa päätynyt Shinjukuun pari vuotta taaksepäin ryyppäämään rankasti joko keskellä viikkoa tai ihan viikonloppuisin, ja onnistunut sitten nukahtamaan jonkun puolituntemattoman jannun kämpille, yleensä vessaan tai parvekkeelle kun alkoholi oli saanut miehen kehosta yliotteen. Mokomakin juoppo.

Mä oikeastaan ehdin jo ajatella, et Izumin aikomus oli järjestää mun synttärien kunniaksi jotkut rankat ryyppäjäiset joiden jälkeen se romanttisesti vaikka kuskais mut metrolla takaisin sen kämpille ja kattois että mä sammun oikeaoppisesti, mutta onneks kyse oli jostain ihan muusta tällä kertaa. Nimittäin yhdessä puutarhassa sellaisella kaameen isolla puistoalueella, Shinjuku gyoenilla, oli käynnissä jonkinasteinen kuvataidenäyttely! Siellä oli sellane pieni, mutta tosi kaunis puutarha, jonne oltiin ripustettu kauhean paljon eri paikkoihin mielenkiintosii töitä, joita varmaan paikalliset taiteilijat tehneet. Olin ihan haltioissani ja Izumiakos mun onnellisuutta viestittävä naamani nauratti. Miekkonen taputti mua herkästi olkapäälle ja käski nauttimaan, se itse kun jättäisi näyttelyn väliin.

Niissä teoksissa oli aikalailla kantavana voimana joku luonnon, luonnollisuuden ja rakkauden sanoma. Tosi monissa kuvissa oli jotain puita, kukkia ja söpöjä eläinhahmoja, tavallaan ne kuvat oli samaa maailmaa mitä mäkin piirrän omalle yhtiölleni. Joukossa oli kuitenkin sellaisia tosi nättejä kuvia herttaisista pariskunnista, lapsiperheistä ja vanhoista ihmisistä, sellasia elämää henkiviä kuvia. Taustalla soi kaiken päälle sellainen tosi lämmin, varmaan jostain taide-elokuvasta napattu musiikki. Mä kuljin sen näyttelyn läpi kasvoillani varmaan sata kertaa tyhmempi hymy mitä yleensä, kun se kaikki näytti niin kauniilta. Mulla oli toisinaan ihan sellainen hassu olo, että olisin vaan halunnut jäädä sinne puiden suistoon lehtiön kanssa, kuuntelemaan sitä melodiaa ja luonnostelemaan mitä mieleen juolahti.

Jonkin ajan kuluttua Izumi kuitenkin taas ilmaantui ja ilmoitti että meidän piti lähteä takaisin sen kämpille, ettei koko visiitti menisi yömyöhään. Koko metromatka mun oli pakko puhua pulputtaa siitä näyttelystä, fiiliksistä ja siitä miten onnellinen olin että olin sinne päässyt. Izumi jaksoi kuunnella mun höpinää koko matkan, mutta sen luokse päästessä se ilmotti että mun olisi nyt parempi pitää leipälapeni kiinni tai saisin koko loppuillan istua yksin nurkassa piirtämässä. Tietty se oli vitsi.

Loppuillasta nyt voi sanoo sen verran että:

Sain maailman parasta ruokaa... melkein <3

Elämänajatusmallini tällä hetkellä:

sunnuntai 6. marraskuuta 2011

let the music kick you underground.

Writer: Fran.

Hello people! It's been some time since I last wrote again, sorry for that. It's actually not 'cause I haven't had the time, in fact I've had too much time lately. I haven't received enough DJ-gigs for some reason, and was forced to ask some funding from my parents..... Despicable, I know. But since I have only been going for some concerts, underground-gigs and met new people who have been too fun to hang with, I kinda have lost the inspiration to write anything down. But I still felt that I owe you one entry, and since it's the last day of my blogging-week (I'm still going to keep on writing here, so it's not literally my last day :D), I thought I could write a bit longer story.

Actually this time I focus on the lack of inspiration, which I'm sure everyone in the world - again - has had some experience. Mostly I hear that people who are writers or deeply keen on drawing or something like that, complain how so often their inspiration is rolling somewhere in a scary place called Mordor or just in somehwere the vast nothingness of space, or deep in the thickest jungle you've ever seen. But they're not the only ones who sometimes seems to be in lack of motivation, skills or pressures (big enough).

Let me give you an example from a real life. A friend of mine (name censored) works as an engineer. Usually he's a typical, everyday normal guy who really likes his job and is fun to be with, if you can say, he's a person you could call as 'a thought of an ideal human' or something like that. But one day he just came to me, all messed up and looked kinda worn out. He straightly banged (we were at some club-gig that day) to me that he's tired of his profession, and wants to try something else. As I asked him why, he told that because all of his clients seem to treat him as an lower person in some way, because he happens to be in dirty clothes and his garage is not the best-looking, brand-new-and shiniest in the whole Missisippi. He told that the lack of respect towards him made his interest, and somehow even his inspiration to do things lose its shine. I think he then really quit that job, and now is about to go study photographing in some NY-adult education college. Good for him.

I think people use like 345436 different ways to prevent the lack of inspiration, or to get it back. Some walk outside, some make plans and meet friends, some people read many books and write notes, poems, lyrics and stuff, or then just tear their hair off and are almost masochistically in love with that feeling, when you don't know where could you get the inspiration. As it comes for me and how I get my inspiration back, I believe it comes as no surprise that I make playlists and store them at my mp3-players, cd's and hard discs. So now, I think that here in the end I could publish you some of the songs that have very often been at my playlists, and really helped me to get back the red line to whatever I do.

Inspiration-playlist, collection.

1. Coldplay, some songs worth listening: In my Place, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Viva la Vida, The Scientist, Lovers of Japan.
2. Owl City : Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight.
3. Oasis : Wonderwall
4. Placebo : Protect me from what I Want, I Do, Sleeping With Ghosts, My Sweet Prince
5. Nightmare Before Christmas: the whole soundtrack
6. Green Day : Give me Novacaine
7. The whole production of Danny Elfman. That man is a Genious with a capital G.
8. Sumio Shiratori
9. Pendulum:  Hold Your Colour-album.
10. Radiohead : The whole discography.
11. Lord of the Rings : all three soundtracks.
12. The Cinematic Orchestra : To Build a House
13. The Beatles : whole discography.
14. Maroon 5 : Moves like Jagger.
15. Mika : the whole discography
16. Linkin Park : A Thousand Suns- album.
17. Billy Talent : Fallen Leaves
18. Superbus : The whole discography
19. The Ting Tings - We Didn't start the fire -album
20. MGMT - Congratulations -album.
and last but most definitely not the least:
21. Weird Al Yankovic. That man rocks.

Note: The list is just a collection, so if you listen to these songs from YouTube or something like that, please take a look at the sidebar-recommendations too. Hope you enjoy these as much as I did and do. Until the next time, see ya!