lauantai 23. heinäkuuta 2011

protest for thinspiration.

Kirjoittaja: Charley.

The most enchanting saturday-evening to all of you, who spend their time in front of the computer screen. Or if it's not Saturday.... well anyways, hello.

I have no idea how much Hugo Verne has told about me, plus I can't understand a word from the talks he's given in his la(te)st post, so.... I guess I should introduce myself, and mention a couple of things from myself.

My name is Charley Rochette, 20-year-old University-student living in France. To describe me with a couple of words: feisty, determined and quick-witted. Not to forget, I often might lose my temper reeeeally fast. The biggest reason for this is simply this crazy world we're living in, plus most of the people in it. During the last few years I've realized how - to use a coarse word - fucked up this planet is, and started wondering, are people really doing anything to make thing better.

To be honest, I'm a pessimist.

 And due to that, I'm really not planning on doing anything to the issues this planet has. That's why I'm simply criticizing things, complaining, and debating. Maybe it's not helping the situation even a bit, but I really don't give a heck. Someone wiser and more politically powerful can make the magic happen. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here and waiting for the miracles. And at the same time, debating and protesting against the reformers who can't understand why I act like this.

I think I'll leave the rest of my introduction until the next time..... Because I actually had something to say with this entry. So, to begin this such-an-exciting-and-amazing-blog-entry I represent you this picture:

Maybe it's Photoshop, maybe it's anorexia.
So, my problem of the day are the beauty standards of today. Something everyone knows to exist, but still is a gigantic problem, especially among young and foolish little girls, who think they are fat, if they happen to have some flesh over their bones.... 

The picture that media gives from a healthy, proper female-body nowadays is unbelievable. Should every girl really look like a coat rack - made of old and burnt plastic, with no decorations, fancy design or fancy colour?  Not to mention, how these 'coat rack's' nowadays are dressed - if they're dressed at all. All they seem to wear are little lumps of fabric, also called by the name of 'high fashion'. Does anybody else consider this as madness?

I commit, I've been one of those thin and skeleton-like girls when I was a teenager, and thanks(?) to that I can drill into the subject with deep information. In my point of view, everything starts with how you really look at your body, and how do you feel about the way it exists. If the reflection you see is unpleasant when compared to the thin and pale model in the magazine, you sort of start to dig your own anorectic grave. It's a sad thing, and a long road to walk if there's no one to stop you.

These unnatural, anorectic bodies are mostly adored in the fashion world, but it seems to be a big thing in the celebrity-world too. It seems like being fat, or a little bit more curvy, is a bad thing, plus it seems that after some woman has had a baby, she has to loose the couple of kilos she's had during the pregnancy-time in only a couple of weeks - just think about it, the most terrifying thing would be a little bit bumpy from the belly during a film-shoot! Plus another question, why are these people having children if they're too busy with their profession or social hurries to take care of the offspring....? (..... this is out of my original subject, pardon me.)

And then everyone knows the most-predictable consequence:

Not only the anorectic issues are bothering my mind. The pursuing of this some kind of 'eternal youth and glory', is very common these days. I'm pretty sure everyone, who reads this blog, have sometimes heard the magical words silicon, botox and liposuction - only to mention a few of the ingredients of the recipe for the total gorgeous - or should I say total gore? I think I'm not giving you any illustrative photos this time, but if you are interested, you can always use Google. The best friend and worst enemy of every single Internet-addict.

Anyways, I deeply am against all sorts of chemical and anti-natural ways of staying younger. I think it's almost like you're playing a game against Death, a game you're someday about to lose in a very embarrassing way. Not only physically, but mentally as well, unless you have a great, accurate reason for the acts you've fulfilled. Jesus, am I starting to sound like a preacher or something?

Maybe I just leave my subject in this point. I really don't like to sound like a lemon-headed old fart who visits various schools during a year and blabbers some silly shit about anorexia, weight-issues, appearance-problems and stuff. I just wanted to speak my mouth as clear as I can, from this issue that is deep from the arse. I might talk about this sometimes later in the future, but not now.


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