In case you have forgotten my handsome face, let me straight ahead show them to you. I'm the master of Gimp and Paint, yes =w=
Hello hello, Hey Jude, how do you do, howdy-ho, long time so see and so on! As you can see, it's Oliver Kendricks right back on this business, and stronger, harder, faster and cooler than ever. Or let's just say that I'm back, I think that will do.
I'm not sure if this blog has received any new readers since last spring when I decided to take "a little" break from blogging, but In case you have no idea about who the heck is talking bullshit on your screen, please click here. (It's written in Finnish, since it's from the times that a dude name Iitu tried to be really fantastic and translate all the blog entrys to her own language.
But now that the introductions have been finished, I feel like talking about something more interesting. So, the reason why I returned back on the game was because Iitu came after me (crying inside) since she has a strong reason to belive that Aron has stopped blogging. Without a reason, but I heard that he hasn't been blogging since July, Iitu asked if I could come back. And ta-dah, this is where it has led.
My main reason for staying away hasn't, surprise, surprise, been lazyness! No, no, no - I've been running around like a dog on a leash since last May, when I tried my luck at a small Comic Con here in Britain. It wasn't the Basildon-case, this one was at Brighton and somehow a local publishing company backbencher ended up at my table, checked out my stuff and started wondering, whether I was the same Oliver who wrote ironic comic strips at random newspapers some months before.
As I committed being guilty, this man who was completely dressed in black, bowed over my table and with a bit of a sneaky face, asked "Where the fuck have you been, laddie?" I was speachless, since after getting the big "FIRED"-mark in my buttocks, no one had ever wondered why on Earth had I been kicked out of the magazine. I'm not sure if you remember, but well.. I kind of thrashed one Ginger almost medium-death, and mostly because of that, got kicked out. I don't know am I the only one who thinks that wouldn't have sounded too nice in the ears of that man, so I talked some shit about how my creative juices went sour out there and no one really liked my sarcasm anymore.
Seemed like the man understood, since a few weeks later I received a phone call from the chief executive officer of the publishing company, and he asked whether I had time for an interview. And chitty-chitty bang-bang, it didn't take too many days after that interview that I was accepted to their team! The only thing they asked me to do was to move to Brighton so that I wouldn't have to travel all the way from London to do some work. Since the only thing that kept me at London was my beloved boyfriend Constantino (yay, he's been standing me over two years now!) and his fat, physically lazy cats, I took an oxe from the horned and encouraged myself to ask whether we could move there together and be all loveydovey in a new place. And just like in some cheezy fairytale, Conny agreed~
So right now my location is Brighton, Great Britain. And that's probably the only thing that has changed since spring. I still am veeeery sarcastic and mean, draw too much, love coffee and cigarettes every once in a while. I guess you could say I've been living a dull life, but now that I've again started blogging, I could force myself to do something new. Cut grass or start exercising for Marathon etc. I'll see what I can do, but I won't promise anything.
P.S .. Or actually I will. I will get rid of this gayish background-setting. It certainly shows that faggots such as Aron, Iitu and Fran have been updating!!
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