Hello everyone! Sorry about my last update, I probably was a little bit too drunk at that weekend... Well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Luckily those days are now gone and after that weekend I've had lots of fun by spending most of my days inside, since the weather in New York right now can be described with one word: shit. Well okay, the streets aren't loaded with poop, urea and stuff (well, not all of them. In Harlem there's shit everywhere, thanks for the dogs), but the winter is turning to its end this early and the midtown is full of clumpy snow and such.
No me gusto.
That's why I've mostly partied with my pals and done some gigs, and then the rest of my time I've slept home with Tralala (my cat, I'm sure ya remember.)
Actually I didn't have anything interesting to speak to you about, but then I realised that I haven't really told much about my girlfriend Chester. And since she is the most charming and adorable woman in my life, and happens at the same time be my 2nd best friend, I thought I should probably introduce her to you.
(here's an antic of her, since I couldn't find a picture where she was wearing an appropriate face)
she's really not blind, she's just wearing image-glasses. |
So Chester Tunstall is her name, and she's about 20 years old(er than me. Okay a bad joke). She lives about a 5 miles closer to town and Central Park than I do, in the Amsterdam Avenue with chicks named Gigi and Tilly, plus her best friend Cha Cha spends most of her days out there. Chester works at a tattoo-store nearby her house.
Chester is a photoholic. During the time we've lived on Great Apple, I've never seen her leave her house without some sort of camera (systems camera, expendable one, digital etc.). She loves to memorize things, so that she can 'have something to remember by the time that she is an old and shaking old fart'. Chester dreams of entering the UCLA, for filming or cinematography. She's made her application-video for about six months now, and hopes to get in this year.
Our romantical roads actually met thanks to this funny application-video. Chester was filming and photoshooting many of her friends, and the only subject of those pic was "What is your dream?" She shot many small videos and took about 200 different pics of different people, and now she's just collecting them together and doing some serious editing: adding special effects, making background musics, and other stuff. It's like she's doing an actual movie!
I was a part of this project, and actually was made the 'main character' since Chester thought that I don't have any sorts of goals in life. And I guess she was right, since I've always been that sort of person that I life one day at a time, not taking too much worries on my neck. During the project she got the chance to sort of 'wake me up', make me believe that I really have to think more of my future. I kind of saw another side of her - and of course myself. I always had thought that Chester was just as much of an lazyass as I am, and as I realised that wasn't the truth, I felt like being cheated.
But in a good way. I still can't say that I have a certain way that I can look at the future right now, but Chester managed to make me think more clearly of what I should do and what should I not. And of course she made me fall for her, although Chester is an eternal tomboy and actually went speachless as I told her I want to have an romantic affair with her. Even today she shows some reluctant messages if I try to be too fluffy with her, but it's actually unbearabally cute.
And yeah, this song totally is about her:
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