lauantai 30. heinäkuuta 2011


Kirjoittaja: Oliver.
Hello my dear readers~

So I finally managed to get some of those pics Iitu drew during our Midsummer-trip in Lapland. She was a little disappointed for the rest, plus the pics had to be taken with a simple camera-phone, but anyways, I'm glad she sent those to me. Thankyuu very much!

I'll only tell about the trip this time, 'cause I really don't have much time to waste. I'm supposed to be packing my stuff, 'cause tomorrow I'm about to head to Venice..... Aaaand my room looks like a tornado would've hit it. Oops.. :D

Okay, this is the list i told you about on this entry. So Aron and I had a little competition of whose so-called boyfriend is more cute, has a better job, looks, attitude for life, and other silly stuff. I actually was about to lose, since I only know my .. should I say boyfriend-candidate, Constantino only a little. Aron, instead, has met his Izumi last autumn, so he really knows this Japanese gentleman, and his good sides. I guess we ended up in a tie.

Because, we are both very talented drawers, as you all can see, we ended up doing some caricatures from ourselves, me drawn by Aron and Aron drawn by me. Ans if someone there DARES TO GIGGLE to these fabulous, infallible and amazingly sketched pics, bite me. We really poured some artistical blood-drops for these masterpieces. Enjoy them with pure bliss.

(Don't mention Aron that I think my mouth looks too big in his pic.)

Oh, we did go swimming too, 'cause it would've been a real stupidity not to go to lake since the weather was so blissful. Or actually I forced Aron to swim :D....................... He really doesn't like being naked, since he's struggled with his weight for about two years now. It probably is because of his time on the street, before Izumi took him under his wings. He still doesn't look like ok, but you should've seen his appearance last winter. Luckily he wants to get some flesh over his bones, so that none of his pals, including me, doesn't have to be worried.

....... and.. one day Iitu put us some makeup so we would look like girls. ARON REALLY DOESN'T HAVE SUCH A BOTOXIC MOUTH AS IN THIS PICTURE! I suppose Iitu decided to use some artistical liberty or something. Anyways, it was fun. We even put my always-so-furry-hair into pigtails, if you cannot see it in the picture..... Imo, Aron looks really more like a girl. I guess Iitu has a pic of him dressed as a girl too..... OH, SHE HAS on dA!

lol i laugh for this last pic. We're so fucking moe.

C-ya and act like humans do~!

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